Statutory and International Audits
All our team audits are performed in accordance with the International Audit Approach. These procedures are applied to financial statements prepared in accordance with Slovak Statutory or International Accounting Standards (IAS), US GAAP, etc.
Compilation of International Financial Statements
Compilation of international financial statements is a process by which the Slovak statutory financial statements are transformed in compliance with IAS. This enables users of the financial statements who are not familiar with the Slovak financial statements to better understand the presented financial information.
Special Investigations and Internal Audit
We are well equipped to reduce the risks of investment by performing due diligence and other review procedures and reporting the results to potential investors. We also help companies through an innovative approach to Internal Audit.
ZIPP BRATISLAVA, s.r.o. Bratislava,
T.O.P. Auto, a.s. Bratislava,
DANUBIASERVICE, a.s. Bratislava,
Sano, s.r.o. Bratislava,
Študentský pôžičkový fond, Bratislava,
CK DANUBIUS, s.r.o., Bratislava,
SC Global, a.s. Bratislava,
SC Management, a.s. Bratislava,
SATUR TRAVEL, a.s. Bratislava,
IKORES SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Bratislava,
K.Z.T., a.s. Bratislava,
Direct 21, a.s. Bratislava
PRO HOKEJ, a.s. Bratislava,
SLOVENERGO, s.r.o. Bratislava,
INKFLOW, a.s. Bratislava,
Ekotrading - Inkflow, a.s. Bratislava
JUNGHEINRICH, s.r.o. Bratislava,
Tech. skúš. ústav Piešťany, š.p.,
MOTO PARTNER, s.r.o. Bratislava,
RADIO, a.s. Bratislava,
FUN MEDIA, s.r.o. Bratislava
Zväz hut., ťažob. priemyslu a geológie,
Zväz strojárskeho priemyslu SR,
ALEXIA, a.s. Bratislava,
MAG MEDIA, a.s. Bratislava,
ROAD, nezisková organizácia,
NADÁCIA Pomoc deťom v ohrození,
NADÁCIA Vrátené zdravie,
NADÁCIA Centrum súčasného umenia.